Make a Career Commitment

By making a contribution to the TLTAPAC every year that you are employed in the industry, you are showing others your commitment to a healthy title industry. You are demonstrating your dedication to the Texas title industry and helping keep our voice strong. Make a Career Commitment now by completing this form.
  • You will be recognized prominently on the TLTAPAC website.
  • You will receive a special ribbon at TLTA events.
  • TLTA will send you a contribution reminder each year of your Career Commitment.
  • You may contact the TLTA office if you need to change your annual contribution amount.

I Give Because..

"I am proud and honored to have donated to the TLTAPAC and to have also made a Career Commitment. Making this commitment is my way of providing continuous support to the TLTAPAC on behalf of the industry that has furthered my career.

The title industry is constantly being challenged as to its worth and the TLTAPAC works tirelessly with legislators to inform them and educate them about its value. TLTAPAC allows the voices of all Texas title professionals to be heard by our elected officials.

My active involvement in TLTA encourages my participation in the TLTAPAC. Supporting the TLTAPAC is a professional and financial investment."

- Joey Prohaska, CTIP, Professional Escrow and Title Services, Inc.
Join these dedicated title professionals who have agreed to make an annual contribution to the TLTAPAC for the rest of their title industry career:
Full Name
Brandi Abercrombie, CESP, CTIP, NTP
Rebecca M. Adams
Becky D. Altemus, CTIP
Brenda Andel, CESP
Rodney Anderson, CTIP
Jordan M. Anderson
Erik Arredondo, CAEP
Autumn Bane, CTIP | CESP
Bonnie Barrera
Mark Batis
Richard Black
Steve Black, CTIP
Andi Bolin, CESP, NTP
Patti K. Bonner, CTIP
Emma Jo Brent, CESP, CTIP, NTP
Bob Brewer
Don Brown
Pearl Burkett
Karen Butler, CESP, CTIP
Graciela Eva Cadena, CESP
Amy L. Conrad
Jeff Copeland
Cory Corbin
Becky J. Cotton-Osmon
Lori Cox
Karen Leigh Daugherty
Marilyn De Luna, CESP, CAEP, CTIP,NTP
Christie Deckard, CESP, CTIP
Bernie Del Hierro
John C. DeLoach, CTIP
Francene DePrez, CRP/SGMS-T
Adrienne DuBos
Randy Elkins
Deanna England
Gary S. Farmer
Diana Flores
Celia C. Flowers
Laurie Ford
Daniel Foster, Sr.
Teresa Frost, CTIP
Patricia Galindo, CTIP
Jeremiah Lee Garza
Russell Gonzales
Celia R. Goode-Haddock
Joe Grealish
Mark C. Greek
Karel Gryder
Toni Vance Halseth
Kim Hargett
Alex Harris
Lynda Harrop
Claire Hartman, CTIP
Dan Hassen
John A. Hay, III
David M. Hays
Gay M. Heavilin, CESP, CTIP
Kim Hesley
Lance Holland
Denise Smith Holmes, CTIP
DJ Horn
Becky Houssiere, CESP, CTIP
Wade Hutto
Guy Robert Jackson
Chuck Jenkins
Julie Jensen
James A. Johnson
Sandra Kachmar, CAEP, CTIP
Mike Kevlin
Zana Bailey King, CTIP
Leigh Kirby, CESP
Michael A. Knudsen
John Kulasa
Joe Kyle, Jr.
Natalie Landry, CTIP
Bruce D. Liesman
Roland Love
Michael Lucksinger
Derek Lynch
Kerry Maguire
Molly Mallet, CESP
John C. Martin, CAEP, CTIP, NTP
Bert V. Massey, II
Kyla McClellen
Kerry McKay
Jay McKie
Steve Mercer
Kary Mersmann, CESP
Tina Merz
Leslie Midgley, CAE
Janet S. Minke, CTIP
Michael Minnis
Lisa Monti
Stephanie Mooney
Dawn Enoch Moore
Phyllis Mulder, CTIP
Diane Murphy
Tania Nassri
James Nicely
Linda Oropesa
Idaly Pacheco
Sandra M. Paige
Nancy C. Patterson
Randy Pearson, CTIP, NTP
Sylvia Perez
Lisa Perry
Andi C. Phillips
J. Christopher Phillips
Brian Pitman
Randy D. Pittman
Matt Proffitt, CTIP
Joey Prohaska, CTIP
Steve Ramsey
Tim Redding
Johnny Reitinger
Michael P. Reitinger
Brad Reitinger
Ryan Riyad
Mark Rizzo
Paul R. Rodriguez
Patrick M. Rose
Leslie Salinas
Nadenne Sanchez
Stephanie Sanchez
Candie Sandlin, CTIP
Gordon E. Sauer
Michael C. Savas, CTIP
Robert A. Schlanger
Fred Schraub, CTIP
Tammy Schroder
Tammi Sewell
Damian Smith
Christine Solis
Curt Sprabeary
David B. Stanfield, Jr.
Neal R. Stephenson
Steve Streiff
Laurel B. Stuckey
Debra Sutton
David Tandy
Michelle Taylor
Dawn Thompson Kline
Eduardo Torres
Brett Turner
Kristina Vargas, CTIP
R.C. (Chris) Von Doenhoff
Nancy Waggoner, CPA CFE
Toni Wait
Lacey Warren
Randy L. Watkins
Angela Weatherly, CESP
Ross Weaver
Camille White, CESP
Zachary White
Karen Whitlock
Ken Whitlow
Tim Wieland
Steven M. Williams, CTIP
David Wolff
Gretchen Wright, CESP, CTIP